This is a complete responsive app landing page website design written in HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. The page consists of several sections including:
- A header section with a logo, navigation bar, and a hamburger menu icon.
- A home section with a background image, a content area with a title, description, and a call-to-action button, and a Swiper slider to showcase screenshots of the app.
- A features section with a title and a container for several feature boxes, each containing an icon, a title, and a description.
- An about section with a title, an image, and a content area with a title, description, and two buttons for downloading the app.
- A usage section with a title, a row with two boxes, an image divider, and another row with two boxes.
- A review section with a title and a container for several review boxes, each containing an image, a name, a review, and a set of stars.
- A pricing section with a title and a container for several pricing boxes, each containing a price, a title, a list of features, and a select plan button.
- A contact section with a title and a form for submitting a message.
- A footer section with a container for social media icons and a credit line.